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I've been so excited about the European tour since all the locations were pinned to the map two months ago. 16 concerts in 8 different countries from the Middle of Portugal to the North of Norway. And tonight it all began in Porto.

Porto concert

Porto is one of the oldest centres in Europe and as our hosts Umbelina & Paulo took me around the city, on trams, through narrow streets, passing buildings covered in the traditional blue and white Portuguese tiles, toward the Douro River, there was almost to much history to take in in such a short time. (I have a feeling that is going to be the case with every location during this tour!)

We could see the river at the end of one of those streets and then, all of a sudden, there is the Luís I Bridge stretching over the expanse of the water. And yes, the design is reminiscent of the Eiffel tower because it was built by metallic specialist Gustave Eiffel. (Who did you know, also built the metal structure that the copper of the Statue of Liberty hangs upon?)

This is the view of Porto's old town from the top of the bridge in the afternoon sun.



30 April 2011

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